Action Plan
Closing the jobs-housing gap will require us to work together to create and preserve more homes throughout San Mateo County. The “Strides Toward Closing the Gap” below represent the bold actions that local leaders from government, business, institutions, and nonprofits are currently taking to increase housing Countywide and create more homes people can afford.
Building Partnerships and Community Support
- All 20 Cities and the County adopt a “Home for All” resolution that commits them to continuing to work on housing and implementing the Home for All Action Plan.
- Convene meetings for school districts and other public agencies, businesses, hospitals, funders and foundations, environmental and other advocates, congregations and other groups to educate them about the housing situation and provide tools to help them take action.
- Engage executives on the business impacts of the jobs/housing gap with data, concise one-pagers and an action option menu.
- Develop a “Home for All, San Mateo County” public relations campaign to educate county residents on the housing gap, the range of solutions and how they can help solve the problem.
Supporting All Types of Housing Development
- Created a “Home for All” website for city officials and the community with access to experts, resources on all aspects of housing development, and information on concrete actions stakeholders and community members can take to get involved. Complete.
- Establish an online “Second Unit Center” to provide technical assistance, design templates, referral to city second unit “liaisons” and low-interest loans. Analyze second unit capacity countywide. Develop a targeted second unit marketing campaign based on land potential analysis.
- Pilot multiple community meeting processes to facilitate a respectful and informed discussion with neighbors regarding housing options and new development.
Funding Affordable Housing
- Create a San Mateo County affordable housing endowment and land trust which could be a redesigned Housing Endowment and Regional Trust of San Mateo County (HEART), funded through significant contributions from the County and all 20 cities, businesses, foundations and city contributions which could include impact fees, boomerang funds and/or other sources.
- Pursue a revenue measure to provide additional funding for affordable housing or housing and transportation combined. Complete.
- Pursue legislation that allows San Mateo County cities, on a pilot basis, to get credit for units constructed with funds they contributed to the countywide land and housing trust.
- Established an Affordable Rental Housing Preservation Fund, with $10 million in County money to provide matching funds to preserve market-rate affordable units. Complete.
Securing Land & Strengthening Community Infrastructure
- Explore regional options to enhance public transportation within San Mateo County and to improve East Bay-Peninsula connectivity.
- Encourage jurisdictions to ensure that future development incorporates water-efficient strategies and land use best practices and policies.
- Review and analyze the development feasibility of available sites countywide, focusing on publicly-owned land in Priority Development Areas and transit corridors. Establish minimum affordability targets for housing development on public land.